A Call for Evidence Based Standards for Mediator Quality

This white paper addresses significant concerns about the dearth of empirical evidence upon which to assess mediator quality and from which to elide meaningful approaches to teaching mediator skills.

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So You've Got a Beef. Now What?

Negotiating a good resolution to a conflict isn't rocket science. There are a few things, though, that you should know if you want to do a better job in settling disputes on your own.

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How the Quest Was Done

Being a thrilling, spellbinding but true story right out of the wild west of a California mediation followed by some musings for mediators on the meaning of the story by the mediator himself.

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How Do Mediator Actions Affect Mediation Outcomes? 

A report by the ABA Mediation Research Task Force which Gary created and ran as chair. Which actions and approaches are “best” to achieve desired mediation outcomes?

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Read the Report of the Task Force on Research on Mediator Techniques

Lessons From The ABA's Excellent Report on Mediator Techniques

A good synopsis of the Mediation Research Task Force report by superstar ADR empirical researcher Roselle Wissler. Gary Weiner chaired the Task Force.

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What Makes a Mediator Effective? The Need for Empirical Evidence

Gary Weiner wrote the white paper that catalyzed the founding of the Mediation Research Task Force. The thought provoking paper outlines why research is necessary. How do we best determine whether 1) mediation is effective and 2) what behaviors lead to its being effective.

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